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C o n t a c t
To contact Diva to have her speak at your event, enter the time and date of your event and theme/subject. You will receive a response within 48 hours.
Youth Revivals

Unique informative and energetic sermons that keep the attention of young people while leading them to develop their own personal relationship with the Savior.
Women's Day/
Women's Conference
Diva has a powerful message of hope, restoration and deliverance from the chains that bind us to past hurts keeping us from walking in our destiny.
Motivational Speaking
Having graduated from college at the age of 51, Diva has a unique story that she uses as a springboard to empower and motivate others,
Motivationl Poetry
As a poet of the page as well as the stage, Diva can craft a special poem for you specific occasion, but also has a quiver full of tried and true poetic arrows that always hit the mark.
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